Time passed and my brother and I grew old enough to select our own literature. But mom had acquired a fair number of holiday books of her own. The new tradition was to display these tried and true classics under the Christmas tree throughout the season. She still has these books and shares the stories with my own children now.
For myself I have about a dozen Christmas stories that get hauled out after Thanksgiving for a yuletide yarn. But I wouldn't be my mother's daughter without a big pile of books, stories new and old, borrowed from the library. Through online holding and inter-library loan I selected over 40 titles. Of those that I brought home only a few have been added to the list this year deserving a place on the Christmas Favorites Booklist:
Christmas Favorites Booklist:
Turkey Claus, by Wendy Silvano
The Polar Express, Chris van Allsburg
The Dwarf in the Drawer, L. Van King
Humphrey's First Christmas, by Carol Heyer
Veggie Tales: The Story of Saint Nicholas, by Karen Poth
Mortimer's Christmas Manger, by Karma Wilson
The Christmas Wish, by Lori Evert
The Christmas Story, by Jane Werner Watson