paperplate fingerpaint

paperplate fingerpaint

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Spring Break Continued

Saturday: hiked at Beaver Lake with Mike and shaving cream play in the bathtub.  Beautiful weather.
Sunday: (Easter) egg hunt and a trip to Great Grandma's house! Rain.
Monday: Wegmans and hide and seek
So far so good!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Survival: Spring Break

Spring Break this year has a new plan of attack:  luck-of-the-draw activities! Each day we select one activity and one outing for the day.  Of course this is flexible, but after two relatively successful days I wanted to share it!

Day 1: Thurs pm Vacation Kickoff with kites in the park and bubble bath
Day 2: Friday we chose the zoo and baking cookies
Day 3:  already chosen bikes.... activity tbd
I will keep you posted as to how this plays out for the remainder of the week.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Winter Reading

Winter Reading:

Call of the Wild Jack London
Following Atticus by Tom Ryan
Toothiana by William Joyce
E. Aster Bunnymund by William Joyce
Annoying: the science of what bugs us by Joe Palca

Friday, March 22, 2013